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Color Method | Tooth Or Dare Podcast with Toothlife.Irene – Zirc Dental Products Inc.


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Color Method | Tooth Or Dare Podcast with Toothlife.Irene

Feature Image
Product: Instrument Holders
Brand: Color Method
Topic: Aerosol Reduction | Dental Instrument Cassette | Dental Office Organization | Dental Procedure Efficiency | Dental Products | Dental Videos | OSHA/CDC
December 12, 2024


Kate Reinert, one of Zirc’s Clinical Efficiency Consultants & Educator, sits down with Toothlife Irene on the trade show floor to discuss all things Zirc and Color Method. Kate brings 18 years of hands-on experience as a dental assistant which has brought her valuable insights into the intricacies of patient care and the dental practice environment. Her passion for elevating patient care and achieving clinical excellence is her driving force and infectious enthusiasm.

You can watch the whole video above, but here are some highlights from the podcast:

Meet Kate

How Kate started at Zirc

What is a Clinical Efficiency Consultant & Educator?

What is a dental practice Reset with Color Method?

  1. Getting started with color by procedure.
  2. Instrument management.
  3. Material management. 
  4. Storage optimization. 

What happens if a practice’s setup isn’t ideal?

Tooth or Dare!